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Downstream Drug Dysfunction Steroids

A powerful patient education opportunity!  Glucocorticoids are prescribed to aggressively calm the immune system.  A great example of a blessing in medication (e.g. prednisone) where short-term use might prevent a truly life-threatening outcome. However, suppressing the immune system can have lasting and dangerous side effects, especially when they are used chronically (and in non-critical situations where there are likely alternatives!).  Inhaled, over-the-counter steroids can pose the same danger.

This is the post I mention in the video about well-studied allergy drug alternatives.  These are opportunities for rapid relief while you are more thoroughly identifying and addressing the true root causes of their allergies.

Even for these seemingly “low dose” uses, steroids suppress adrenal output of cortisol  (this is enlightening too).  Over time, this can lead to some devastating downstream consequences from low cortisol levels (e.g. lower cellular metabolism, poor sex hormone balance, poor electrolyte balance, lower thyroid hormone efficacy, greater baseline inflammation, high fatigue and lower stamina, and immune system dysregulation e.g. possible greater risk of allergy/asthma).

Get comfortable and confident about education and advising your clients and patients in the downstream dysfunction effects of common medications.  I hope this serves you!







P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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sharon chud
sharon chud

Hi Tracy. If a patient needs to go on a short term dose of prednisone, what would be the advise as to building the Adrenals back up right after treatment?