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Toxicity Truths – Powerful Functional Medicine Insight

It’s definitely one of the most common, true root causes of disease:  Toxicity.

In today’s modern “better living through chemistry” world, we may be exposed to more toxic threats on a daily basis than early man had to deal with over a year – or even a lifetime.   Toxicity is an important functional medicine concept to master .

Many practitioners default to extremes of perspective in toxicity, either believing that the body is invincible in the face of today’s chemical onslaught or believing that the body is highly vulnerable and in need of acute protection from all chemical exposure.  I believe (as is often the case) that the truth is somewhere in between these extremes. Our unique experience of toxicity as individuals is going to vary dramatically.  Due to our varying genetics, nutrition, health history, and collective toxic exposure (because most toxicity is synergistically harmful!).

Check out the video below to learn some pearls you can implement in your practice right away.  Then please share below what most resonates with you in this video.  I am very interested in your perspective.

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With warmth, love, and gratitude to you for sharing your gifts with so many –






Toxicity Truths and Fundamentals

Did you miss Tracy LIVE? This was a pearl-packed session on Toxicity Truths and pearls from functional medicine insight. Enjoy! <3

Posted by The School of Applied Functional Medicine on Monday, June 12, 2017


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Lucy Coppes
Lucy Coppes

What I loved about this video is that YOU GET IT. You totally understand that health apocalypse that I about to happen due to the chemicals that we have placed in our environment that have upset the balance. YOU GET how our natural body systems work and how the toxic onslaught has recked havoc with our natural systems. YOU GET IT that as health coaches we have to step up to the plate and do something about it. I am honored to be learning from you and look forward to more of your videos!

Suzanne lentine
Suzanne lentine

Thanks so much Tracy for sharing so much of your insight with us. Always fascinating! The interconnectedness andchiw that leads us to the root cause is just amazing to me.

What resonated most with me was the point about needing to detox from a place a strength. I so didn’t realize that until recently and you have really driven that home for me. It’s a point I think I really missed or at least never thought about and it’s just so, so important. Thank you for helping me understand this importance!

sherry khachatryan
sherry khachatryan

I loved learning about physiology of detox. You are very knowledgable, learned a lot from all of your videos.


Very informative! Good to know detoxification should be slow, steady and gradual. Also, that detoxification should be done in cycles with breaks as the body needs a break from oxidative stress. Thank you for the valuable and very informative presentation! Top notch!!!

Kathleen Ronzio

Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge. Detoxing from a place of strength and slow and steady was a “ah ha” moment for me. I think its natural to want to help someone feel better and perhaps realizing they may be toxic want to “start” there. Here you’re saying It’s important to begin the healing process first.
Makes complete sense. I love being a part of this community.

Maggie Carey

This is such an important topic! We are primal beings living in a very toxic modern world. It is so easy to over look the impact modern conveniences have on our bodies, but it is such a crucial component of healing and restoring health. These small lifestyle changes add up to big changes in the body. I have listen to many lectures and done lots of research on detox pathways and best practices. No one lays it out in such an approachable and easy to digest manner as you, Tracy. I look forward to taking my practice to the next level through an entire semester of your brilliant pearls!

Gina McAteer
Gina McAteer

Thank you so much! Love loved your talk! I’m a registered dietitian who works in the acute care setting and I couldn’t agree more that acute care is not complete care. We as practitioners have to do more.

Dina Carter
Dina Carter

Thank you for sharing about the types of food that can help with detox. I have heard so many thoughts around detox and it can be overwhelming at times. It just seems like a lot to do. It’s good to know that it can be done in a simpler, gentler way. Also the reminder to take a break from detoxing for a while.

Audra Wilson BSN, RN
Audra Wilson BSN, RN

I really enjoyed this presentation, it was a great first impression of how functional medicine looks at the root of a problem. I appreciated the passion that you have put into your work. I have only just recently stumbled upon functional medicine. It is a very practical and proactive approach to health, and I love that! Many blessings to you and wish you much success with your school!

Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez

Thank you for being a teacher to many light workers so that more good can be achieved in more people’s health and well being.
Teaching what is the true root cause to disease is such important work.


I absolutely love how you explain very complicated processes so simply and keep it positive! For example, recognizing that various toxins exit the body via different pathways e.g. sweat, urine or feces and how essential it I that these pathways are fully functional before asking the body to release stored toxins. In addition to the key concept of “customized detox programs” since everyone is as unique as their genome. Thank you for sharing your wisdom on this important subject!


Thank you so much for the info! I especially like info about foods that detox the body! This helps to slowly detox the body!

Marie Galletta
Marie Galletta

Nothing could be a more pertinent topic for today’s health problems. We live in a toxic world and detox is the path to regaining our health. Thanks for offering this series.

Mohita Patel
Mohita Patel

I really appreciate your stance of toxicity being neither of the two extreme views and arguments often presented by
different camps (our bodies do just fine on their own and the our bodies can’t handle the toxic load we are presented and we all need to intensely detoxify). I am so excited to dig deeper into this and I’m now thanks to you considereing adding a detox program to my offerings!!! I really liked learning a little about ways we can support phase two detoxification which is often unable to handle our upregulated phase 1 detox!!! There is so much more I got out of this too. So hard to just pick one!! Thanks for the wealth of info!!!

Joanne Stewart

What a great video. I’m so excited for the semester to start next month. There were so many great reminders in this video for me. As someone who has had to detox a lot of mercury in the past I am considering that my work is not complete and I probably have more detoxing to do.

What you said about detoxing slowing to not over burden the body really resonates with me and something I need to make sure my clients understand. We are a culture of extremes. But when it comes to detoxing, I think you are correct that doing short phases with breaks in between is much safer and I think more efficient at healping the body to bbuild strength and become a better detoxer naturally.


Great pearls as usual Tracy. Fascinating subject and love being able to explain to talk to clients about the connection between body fat, toxins and body fat and inflammation. Thanks for sharing!

Tracy Behrens
Tracy Behrens

Hi Tracy! I’m so glad you reminded people to remember the low hanging fruit to remove toxins – such as drinking water/being well hydrated and solving constipation issues.

Adam Judd
Adam Judd

The importance of detoxing from a place of strength really landed for me. Someone close recently detoxed when their system couldn’t handle it and it made her considerably worse! Thanks Tracy 🙂

Kristina Cole
Kristina Cole

Recognizing bio-individuality in getting people to move, the importance of sweat, and some of the simple concepts of making sure people are consuming enough water. As always, amazing information Tracy <3

Ellen Polk

Tracy, I have a question about heavy metal toxicity. My 8 yr old grandson has been having “tick like” episodes with his eyes. Blinking excessively for a minute. But doesn’t realize it. He lives in Georgia. My daughter says he has had some memory loss and has had a night tremor that woke him from his sleep screaming about his chest hurting. To date his pediatrician has sent him to a neurologist because they didn’t find anything. The neurologist sent him to get a MRI with and without contrast. She will get the results this week. Any suggestions